Quilt from the Foundation to be loaned to an exhibition in Zürich

At its meeting on 26.04.2024, the Foundation Board decided that a historical Anabaptist quilt from the “Monika Willi” collection will be loaned to the organizers of a quilt exhibition in Zurich. The exhibition will take place from May to June 2025 as part of the celebrations of 500 years of Anabaptism in Zurich. A suitable loan contract will be drawn up.

What next for the SMC archive in Jeanguisboden?

Since 1978, the Archive Commission of the Swiss Mennonite Conference (SMC) has maintained a historical archive with library in the Jeanguisboden chapel (and in the external depot in Cormoret). As the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation is planning to acquire the Jeanguisboden building, the question arises as to whether the historical collections of the SMC should be transferred to the newly established Foundation. At this year’s Delegates’ Assembly on 16.03.2024, nothing was decided in this regard, as Charly Gerber, board member of the SMC, explained on inquiry. However, Nicolas Gerber, Secretary of the Archive Commission and Vice-President of the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation, added that the Archive Commission would be considering the future of the Archive and Library of the SMC in the coming months.

Establishment of the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation

On Wednesday evening, February 28, 2024, the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation was founded in the Jeanguisboden Chapel/Archive/Library in Corgémont. The founders are the Swiss Mennonite Association for Anabaptist History, the Memoria Mennonitica Association, the Swiss Mennonite Conference, the Evangelical Mennonite Community of Sonnenberg, the community of heirs of Isaac Zürcher and six private individuals Arlette Mäder Studer, Daniel-Bernard Studer, Marianne Christine Briner Lavater, Christine Elfriede Gerber Rihs, Michel Ummel and Beat Daniel Gerber. The act of foundation was performed by Mrs. Camille Lehnherr, notary of the Canton of Bern, and was accompanied by a reinterpretation of ancient Anabaptist songs and a reading of a historical Anabaptist text. This was followed by an aperitif. Numerous media outlets reported on the Foundation’s establishment. The Foundation has since been entered in the commercial register of the Canton of Berne.

The Foundation’s founders (Photo: Daniel Geiser)