Exhibition 2025 «Here it was not forbidden to be Anabaptist»

To mark the 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist movement, the Swiss Anabaptist Heritage Foundation is hosting an exhibition at the Jeanguisboden chapel, focusing on the Anabaptists in the Jura. The exhibition highlights the daily lives of these communities and their connection to faith through crafts and art.

Location: Jeanguisboden Chapel (Le Jeanguisboden 52, 2720 La Tanne)
Duration: May 10 to November 2 2025
Opening event: May 10, 2025, from 16:00h

Opening times and admission rates
Opening times: Wed / Sat / Sun: 14:00-17:00h; Fri: 17:00-20:00h
Admission rates: CHF 10.-, children free.
Guided group tours on request.
Guided tours of the archives on request, CHF 5.- per person.

More information

Future of the Memoria Mennonitica Association

The Memoria Mennonitica Association was founded in 2005 with the aim of preserving and promoting the Anabaptist Mennonite cultural heritage. This goal is now also being pursued by the newly established Anabaptist Heritage Foundation (of which Memoria Mennonitica is one of the Foundation supporter, see News from 29.02.24).
At the general meeting on November 29, 2024, it was decided to dissolve the association by the end of 2025 at the latest. The current members of the association are invited to join the Circle of Friends of the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation.

Dr. Ulrich J. Gerber intends to donate his collection to the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation

Since 2018, retired pastor and former rector of the Bern Ecclesiastical Theological Church, Dr. Ulrich J. Gerber, has been managing a private Anabaptist museum in Renan with numerous objects relating to the history and art of the Anabaptist Mennonite movement. He now wants to bequeath these historical objects to the Anabaptist Heritage Foundation. Ulrich J. erber comes from an old Mennonite family and has been intensively involved in researching Anabaptist history throughout his life.
The Foundation Board is delighted that Ulrich J. Gerber intends to hand over his valuable collection to the Foundation.

Exhibition on 500 years of Anabaptism

The Anabaptist Heritage Foundation is planning an exhibition on the history of the Anabaptists in the Jura for the jubilee year 2025. The exhibition will be open to the public from April to October in the Jeanguisboden Chapel. Objects from the collection of Dr. Ulrich Gerber and from the Mäder-Studer collection will also be on exhibit.